We are integrated with BigCommerce order request API. For integration details please contact our sales team. Once we enable BigCommerce integration for your account, our system will start downloading orders with "Awaiting Fulfillment" status from your BigCommerce account. Your orders will be available in our customer portal within 2 hours from the time your buyer makes a purchase.
BigCommerce FAQ:
Q) What happens to the orders when Bigcommerce is in server maintenance?
A) We are pulling orders from your BigCommerce Shopping Cart, our download agent will re-try whenever ready and make sure the orders are placed in our system.
Q) Does BigCommerce support shipment Tracking?
A) Yes. We notify shipment tracking details to your BigCommerce account as soon as the order is shipped.
Q) Shipping method mapping
A) Please refer https://support.acutrack.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049922014-Why-is-the-shipping-method-changed-
Q) Product ID mapping
A) Please refer https://support.acutrack.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020102874-How-to-fill-out-your-Product-Control-Sheet-
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