This article explains many aspects of your inventory with Acutrack
Current stock:
To find available stocks of your products at Acutrack, login to the portal, and go to Product Management ->Fulfillment Products.
Inventory history:
To find the inventory history of your products, go to Reports -> Inventory. Here are some reports you can generate...
- Datewise beginning and ending stock of your products
- Datewise shipped orders of certain products.
- Datewise receiving, adjustments, and returns of certain products.
Inventory notification:
When your product stock reaches the minimum inventory level set up in the portal, you will receive an email notification. If you would like to include any email address to the email notification list, please contact our support team.
Auto-renew books, and media stock:
If Acutrack is printing your books or producing the USB, DVD, or Blu-ray, you can authorize your project manager at Acutrack to auto-renew the stock when it reaches the min level. You do not have to worry about products going out of stock as our project managers will start the production as soon as it reaches the min level.
Manual-renew books, and media stock:
If Acutrack is printing your books or producing the USB, DVD, or Blu-ray, and you would like to manage the inventory yourself, then please monitor the stock on the portal regularly and keep an eye on the minimum inventory emails.
To place the production order of books and/or media please contact our support team via support ticket.
PLEASE note, the place order feature in the portal is NOT for book and media production. Place order feature is to ship an order to your customers.
Physical count:
Acutrack helps you with a “physical inventory” count at the end of the year if requested, at no additional cost.
Physical counts are done by counting each item in the entire inventory. This count is used to match up with inventory records to eliminate any inaccuracies. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. We close your operation for a day at the year-end and help you with the accurate inventory count.
If you need additional inventory count during the year, we can help by charging you the hourly rate.
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