We print your books as a combination of CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). The color output from CMYK varies depending on the paper type and depends on the type of print equipment used. Therefore, print output from one printer may not match another.
Acutrack can output a sample proof so you can review and be satisfied with our color output.
If you are not satisfied with the output then you need to experiment by changing CMYK values and hope to achieve the desired results. We recommend that you create a swatch test sheet with different values of CMYK and see the one that gives the needed results. As we all know, the CMYK color on a screen may look different than CMYK that’s been printed from printer to printer!
We will be happy to print a swatch test sheet on the specified paper so you can see how a specific CMYK color prints on our equipment and then you can incorporate that combination into your design.
Here is an example of a swatch test sheet:
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